Aramesh is a Farsi word embodying a state of calm, serenity, and tranquility. Creating an organization like Aramesh Therapy Group that caters its services to the unique mental health needs of women has been an aspiration of mine for many years. One person in particular that instilled this desire within me is my mother. Throughout the course of her life, my mother encountered countless tribulations.
By her late thirties, my mother had faced the sudden loss of my father—the sole provider of the family—leaving behind my siblings and me. Soon after, the Russian invasion of Afghanistan forced us to immigrate to the United States, where my mother was faced with the daunting task of resettling in an unknown land and having to navigate through socio-economic losses with little support.
I have observed my mother's exceptional ability to maintain mental well being in the face of adversities through persevering, taking action, utilizing her strengths, and drawing on her strong faith. It was a combination of her inner strength and external resources that helped my mother face every situation, adapt to them, and move forward. It's the demonstration of her resilience that inspired Aramesh Therapy Group. My mother’s narrative is my inspiration for supporting women in tapping into their strengths to overcome life’s challenges and achieve a state of aramesh.